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Stackyard News Jan 08

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    High Yielding Varieties Extend BSH Forage Maize Range

Two new high yielding varieties from the French breeder Caussade Semences extend the British Seed Houses maize range for 2008.

Using new high yielding maize varieties will help reduce the cost per tonne of production, says Paul Billings of British Seed Houses.

Paul Billings of British Seed Houses

Huski CS features in the latest NIAB Fitcon data in the Early Less Favourable category, recording a yield of 106% of the average of the control varieties and is classified 7 for maturity. Huski CS has also performed well in its first year of NIAB/MGA grain maize trials, producing a grain yield (adjusted to 15% moisture content) of 8.3t/ha, which was 106% of the average of the control varieties.

Gladi CS is listed in the Early Favourable category in the 2008 Fitcon data as a maturity class 5 variety with a yield of 109% of the average of control varieties. Gladi CS was also monitored in 2007 in the Kingshay trials, in which it recorded a dry matter yield index of 129% across all mainstream sites against an average of 110% of 12 other comparable varieties. This outstanding yield contributed significantly to an estimated crop value of £653/acre, significantly above the average of the other 12 varieties (£594).

“Both Huski and Gladi are high yielding varieties that will perform well in the appropriate UK conditions,” says British Seed Houses director Paul Billings. “Our message to maize growers is to think hard about the way maize fits into the overall system on the farm and define their requirements very clearly before choosing varieties. For those in favourable areas where earliness is less of an issue, it will make sense to maximise yields by growing a variety like Gladi, thereby keeping cost per tonne as low as possible. For the majority, even in mainstream maize growing areas, early maturity is increasingly important, to ensure a fully mature crop is harvested within a manageable growing window. Choosing a variety like Huski, which offers both earliness and an uplift in yield, growers should be able to achieve dual objectives.”

In addition to offering other established varieties such as Goldclamp (107% DM yield and maturity class 6) and Goldcob (100% DM yield, maturity class 7), British Seed Houses has led the way in developing the market for ultra early varieties, which now include the maturity class 11 varieties Revolver, Camelot and Scimitar.

NIAB’s Fitcon (Fitted constant) data is used as an adjunct to the National List and Descriptive List in relation to forage maize to ensure a fair comparison between new and established varieties. It is a long established statistical methodology based on two years data and works by using linked varieties across all sites (e.g. control varieties) to predict varietal performance.

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British Seed Houses