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Stackyard News Jan 08

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The Outlook for Red Meat

The red meat industry may have been through the wringer over the last year but now the annual Outlook Conference is looking forward at what the future holds.

outlook conference

The conference is run by the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) and will have Defra Minister Lord Rooker giving the keynote speech.

He will set out the Government's vision for the industry while Mike Coupe, Trading Director at J Sainsbury, will outline how British meat fits into the JS business model and how JS sees red meat supply chains evolving in the future.

From the US, leading industry consultant John Nalivka will outline trends and new developments in the US industry and what lessons the Europeans can draw.

Tara Garnett, Coordinator of the Food Climate Research Network, will focus on the implications and challenges of climate change for the meat and livestock industry.

The afternoon is split into two parallel sessions, one for beef and sheep and the other for pigs, where MLC experts will set out the market outlook for the cattle and sheep and pig sectors, and present MLC's latest market forecasts.

There are still places available at the conference on Tuesday, January 29, at 1 Great George Street in London. An application form is available online on the MLC website (, or email

link MLC Outlook Conference 2008
link Beef Production on the Rise in China
link Beef Price Tide is Turning - NBA

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