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Stackyard News Jan 08

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Value for Money Holstein Bulls from Dominate January Proofs 17/01/08

Ten bulls in the top 40 ranked by £PLI in the January 2008 proof run gives double the offering of top quality sires of any other supplier and confirms the company’s meteoric rise from newcomers to leading player in UK cattle genetics in just 15 months.

Astried, daughter of the Gibor who is an outstanding new entry in the January 2008 bull proofs.

Astried, daughter of the Gibor who is an outstanding new entry in the January 2008 bull proofs.

The latest official figures incorporate Holstein UK’s new Type Merit system – with increased emphasis on longevity, udder health and profitability – and according to managing director Nick Kirby this is a significant factor in his company’s impressive showing.

“Our policy is to select and supply bulls that offer outstanding lifetime value for the modern commercial dairy farmer and this is now reflected in the new PLI system,” he said. “We also apply a stringent minimum standards approach in our sire selection, so producers choosing from the stud can be confident that there are no compromises and no negative traits are inherited alongside their priority areas of improvement.”

Two sires from especially illustrate the positive impact of the improved PLI system, and both have outstanding reliability in their proofs.

Laudan is being re-introduced, now with 15,560 daughters in 5,029 herds following a big addition of second crop daughters, and has a PLI of £179, up from £129, with a Type Merit of 2.2 (up from 1.58). His lifespan has climbed from +0.3 to +0.6; he is -12 for SCC; and he has outstanding daughter fertility at +2.3 (against a breed average of -3). also has a new entry, Gibor, who has shown consistent improvement throughout his proofs, and now – with 7,131 daughters in 3,013 herds – he has taken a significant leap in PLI from £130 to £189. Again his progress is a reflection of how the new PLI benefits the commercial producer, with lifespan at +0.6, SCC at -21, and milk at +526kg. He is also outstandingly fertile at +3.5, again with very high reliability.

Other bulls from to show marked improvements include Jackpot and Jesfa, both shooting up to over +3 for Type Merit. V. Eaton, now with 9,553 daughters in 3,266 herds, is another to benefit from the positive changes to the Type Merit System, climbing to +2.37 from +1.85.

“The single most important message that dairy farmers should take from this proof run is that it is feasible to apply minimum standards to your breeding policy, and that there is no need to compromise,” concluded Nick Kirby. “There are 172 bulls available with a PLI of £130 or above, and I would then select bulls from within this pool that are at least +1 for Type Merit and +200kg for milk; thereafter, I would insist on bulls that are positive for legs and feet and also for udder composites. There are a lot of great bulls available at very fair prices that meet these minimum standards criteria, so herd improvement is more affordable than it’s ever been.”

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