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Stackyard News Feb 08

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    BCPC Launch New Plant Protection Website

BCPC has launched a brand new website – This website replaces the annual production of The e-UK Pesticide Guide but offers far more facilities to subscribers, than the previous CD-ROM version.

The core database for the site is that of The UK Pesticide Guide 2008 which was published in January this year. However, the key feature of the website is that it will continue to evolve throughout the year so keeping pace with industry changes and new product introductions.

At launch provides invaluable, detailed information on over 1,300 pesticide products in active use. Details of new actives will be uploaded to the site as soon as they are announced.

Richard Whitehead, who has edited The UK Pesticide Guide since 1994, welcomes this new initiative, “As technology has improved and there is now widespread access to broadband we have been able to respond to customer demand and offer a valuable online product. Logging onto will ensure that users are never more than a few key strokes away from being able to access the information that they need to plan their product use on-farm.

“We hope that the site will be the first place that people will go to find out about the latest pesticide news and product developments, and for farmers and growers wanting to keep up-to-date with the latest information during the main spraying season,” he adds.

Subscribers to will find the powerful search functionality easy-to-use ensuring that answers to on-label and off-label problems can be found quickly and easily.

More detailed queries can be performed by adding LERAP category, chemical type, supplier or harvest interval to the search. There are also direct hyperlinks to the relevant SOLA notices on the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) website, as well as to the PSD online database of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).

Mode of action codes published by the Fungicide, Herbicide and Insecticide Resistance Action Committees, are available to help farmers and advisers make effective and sustainable product choices to prevent the development of resistance. There is also a wealth of background information about the legislation covering approvals, storage of products, the sale and use of pesticides, as well as guidance on environmental protection and the latest developments following the conclusion of the first five years of the Voluntary Initiative.

BCPC and CABI, are the joint publishers of Subscribing to, costs a market leading price of £75 + VAT, with a 25% discount being offered to purchasers of the e-UK Pesticide Guide CD-ROM from 2005 onwards. To subscribe log onto

link Leatherjacket Population Crashes but Risk Remains
link NK Bull: Highest Yielding Maize Variety on 2008 Descriptive List
link The UK Pesticide Guide 2008 - Celebrates 21 Years of Publication

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