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Stackyard News Feb 08

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    SAC Sheep & Beef Specialist on the Up

Gavin Hill has recently been appointed to lead Scottish Agricultural College’s Beef and Sheep Select Team.

Gavin Hill with Charolais cows and calves

Gavin Hill

A farmer’s son form Lanarkshire, Gavin graduated with an HND in Agriculture before working in farm management for ten years. Gavin was then appointed as a livestock specialist with Signet, part of the MLC where he gained an in depth knowledge of various breeds, breeding techniques and systems, and the use of Estimated Breeding Values. In 2000 Gavin became an SAC Consultant in Fife for two years before joining the Beef and Sheep Select team and completing a BA in Business Management with Marketing in 2003. For the past seven years he has managed the Enterprise Costings Collection contract, supplying vital information to the QMS Enterprise Costings publication.

Gavin has been the driving force behind SAC’s Outwintering Systems work which is run in conjunction with QMS. The work itself has been one of the most highlighted pieces of farm systems work for some years. Gavin is well known for his knowledge of farming and farm systems and his ability to see the farmer’s point of view.

Gavin has an extensive reputation, which along with his experience means that he is constantly in demand for advice. He works extensively with all sectors of the production chain whether at a processors meetings or meeting with individual farmers. Gavin also has an in depth knowledge of the market place and is consulted on a variety of issues including store cattle, finishing cattle, mature cows and pre 96 cows.

As SAC’s Beef and Sheep Select Team leader, Gavin will manage a team of four full time and three part time staff supplying specialist beef and sheep consultancy to farmers and other organisations in those sectors.

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