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Stackyard News Feb 08

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Are You a Foodie or a Fuellie?

More and more people are looking at food not only as fuel but also as a pleasure to give satisfaction.

photo courtesy Anna Moderska

pork loin

In recent years there has been growth in the premium end of food markets, particularly the market for pork and pork products.

The need to gain a greater understanding of the factors that motivate consumers prompted the British Pig Executive (BPEX) to commission exclusive research.

The results enabled the identification of two particular groups of consumers, 'foodies' and 'fuellies'

Foodies are likely to be a mixture of ethical consumers attracted by the high welfare standards that apply in Britain and connoisseurs looking for very high quality, while fuellies simply see food as fuel.

Now a report, called 'The Future for Premiumisation', based on all the conclusions drawn from the extensive research, has been published.

BPEX Chairman Stewart Houston said: "It is no accident that the developments in the pig sector in recent years should coincide with the trends outlined in the report.

"British pig producers have introduced animal welfare, production methods and quality control systems that meet the concerns and demands of consumers who can be classified as ethical or food connoisseurs.

"The industry's investment in product quality and innovation in meal solutions has made pork and pork products more accessible. We've been at the forefront of efforts to ensure products are adequately labelled with meaningful country of origin information.
"This report, therefore, is timely. It sets out a greater understanding of these consumers and draws insight and analysis of the wider range of values that motivate them and influence their purchasing decisions.

"It gives greater direction for producers, processors and retailers to develop not just the market as whole but also to exploit the growing premium tiers."

Copies of the report are available from Denise Price on 01908 844327, email

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