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Stackyard News Mar 08

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Nine Hundred in Frame for 2008 Gold Cup

A record number of dairy herds have qualified for this year’s NMR/RABDF Gold Cup. Nine hundred milk recorded dairy herds have met the entry criteria of at least 100 cows in the milking herd and, based on records for the year ending September 2007, an average cell count of 200,000/ml or less and a minimum PIN specific to the breed - £5 in the case of Holsteins.

Last year's winners Ian and Sally Macalpine

last year’s winners Ian and Sally Macalpine

“These herds have met high standards and we want as many as possible to take part and complete an entry form,” says Gold Cup coordinator Frank Armitage. “The Gold Cup isn’t about the biggest, but we look for those who can demonstrate the good overall farm performance using a management system that takes advantage of the available resources.

“We look at dairy herd husbandry in detail but not exclusively - a contribution of well-used on farm resources, conservation and labour use all score points and are taken into consideration by the judges.”

Last year’s winner was Lancashire Jersey herd owners Ian and`SallyMacalpine who, prior to winning, had been finalists for two years. “As last year’s winners, and winners of the Lilyhill Cup for the top scoring Jersey herd, the Macalpines are not eligible for entry this year so we will have new names in the limelight.”

Entries for this year’s Gold Cup must be received by 14 April 2008. Finalists will be visited in July and the overall winner will be announced at the Dairy Event in September.

More details are available from milk recording staff, or NMR Customer Services on 0870 1622547.

link Third Time Lucky as Lancashire Jersey Herd Strikes Gold
link Yorkshire Dairy Farm Walk: Milking Grass for Profit
link Union Outlines Necessity for Milk Price Rise

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