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Stackyard News Apr 08

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Dairy Daughters Celebrates Double Triumph in Latest Bull Proof Run

AI company Dairy Daughters is celebrating its best ever Holstein bull proof run on 1st April, having taken the number one position in both the PLI and Type Merit rankings.

Ralma Christmas Cookie - a Justice daughter

Ralma Christmas Cookie

The bulls O-Bee Manfred Justice and Markwell Marsh Braveheart take number one positions for Profitable Lifetime Index and Type Merit respectively, adding to the company's growing reputation as a supplier of well balanced, all-round bulls.

In addition to these front runners, Dairy Daughters has four bulls in the top 10 for type, three in the top 10 for udders, two in the top 10 for PLI, the number one feet and leg bull and the number six milk bull.

The headline bull, O-Bee Manfred Justice, is no stranger to the top position, having taken this place on previous occasions. But now with several thousand daughters in his proof world-wide – including many currently milking in Britain - he strengthens his claim as the 'bull of the moment' with a massive £249 PLI.

Justice has all the credentials of a modern bull, transmitting low cell counts (SCC -20), good fertility (Fertility Index +1) and positive herdlife (Lifespan +0.6), which he manages to combine with good legs, feet and udders, strength through the chest and average stature – a combination which has not only put him in heavy world-wide demand as a sire of sons, but which also has widespread appeal amongst modern dairy farmers who want their cows to thrive in cubicle systems.

Justice semen remains available through Dairy Daughters in limited quantities due to his widespread demand.

For those seeking the highest possible type proof, Markwell Marsh Braveheart will fit the bill. With an overall Type Merit of 3.85, he excels for legs, feet and mammary traits – earning the number one place in the UK for feet and legs by at wide margin with a score of 4.12 – while he also improves cell counts and lifespan.

Semen from Braveheart remains available but supplies are limited.

Another high-flier with Dairy Daughters is the exceptional all-rounder, Heather Holme Velvet. Ranking close to the top of both PLI and type lists, with a PLI of £180 and a Type Merit of 3.14, he offers an exceptional balance of qualities – excelling above all for mammary traits - and is also a cell count and lifespan improver.

Semen from Velvet is reasonably priced at just £15 a straw.

Commenting on the company's successful proof run, managing director, Evans Drayton observes: "We are not aware that any other company has ever before taken the top PLI and Type Merit positions simultaneously with two different bulls and we're particularly delighted to have done so on this occasion. The number of bulls we have which feature high in the rankings reflects our constant endeavours to bring commercially relevant, well-balanced bloodlines to UK farmers, which we always aim to achieve at a reasonable price.

"Our stud overall reflects this policy and we have a range of bulls which closely meet these objectives for those who don't want the headline bulls. We plan to release several more in the weeks ahead."

link Bullsemen’s Strong April Proofs Performance Built On Reliability
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link Union Reacts Cautiously to Milk Price Rise

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