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Stackyard News Apr 08

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    USA Expert Temple Grandin is Key Guest at Beef Expo 2008

Beef farmers from across the UK who attend Beef Expo 2008 at the Perth Agriculture Centre in Scotland on Wednesday May 21st will be able to listen to Professor Temple Grandin from the United States. Professor Grandin is acknowledged as the world’s expert on cattle behaviour and handling systems.

Professor Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

Professor Grandin will demonstrate that improved handling systems will not just introduce much needed improvements in operator safety and animal welfare but will also highlight how the beef sector can save millions of pounds by cutting back on labour.

Speaking at the invitation of the National Beef Association, Professor Grandin will be giving practical demonstrations at Beef Expo 2008 using equipment provided by David Ritchie (Implements) and American Squeeze Crush Systems.

And she will also co-ordinate an on-farm demonstration using the cattle handling system provided by Ballathie Estate, Kinclaven, in Perthshire when it is visited during a pre-event farm tour on May 20th.

“Professor Grandin is respected globally for her far sighted practical work on cattle behaviour and handling and I am sure that every beef farmer in the country would welcome the chance to listen to her first hand advice and have a chance to follow it up with questions,” said NBA director, Kim Haywood.

“Most beef businesses list labour, which accounts for up to 18 per cent of cost, as their second highest input after feedstuffs and with good stockmen in extremely short supply her knowledge on how to reduce labour input and cut back time taken in routine cattle handling is invaluable.”

“Professor Grandin can show how the vaccination of forty energetic store cattle can be reduced to just one hour which represents a saving of £1 per head.”

“She will also provide farmers with good practical tips for routine handling procedures needed for tagging, weighing, worming, blood sampling, TB testing, pregnancy scanning, and loading stock for sale or slaughter.

“And demonstrate beyond doubt that as well as saving time a good handling system reduces animal and operator stress while also helping to cut back on income reduction through penalties on dark cutting meat or injury to both stockmen and to animals.”

“One of her recommendations is the adoption of curved chutes and race systems. Farmers who want to know why she is so certain these are necessary should come to Beef Expo 2008 at Perth on May 21st and hear her ideas for themselves,” Ms Haywood added.

For details, visit the Beef Expo website

link 22 Cattle Breed Societies at Beef Expo 2008
link Top Speakers Lined Up for Beef Expo 2008
link Visit Perthshire Beef Farms at Beef Expo 2008

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