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Stackyard News Apr 08

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John Deere at Grassland 2008

Visitors to the John Deere plot at Grassland 2008 will be able to see, for the first time at a public working demonstration, a new 7750 i Series self-propelled forage harvester, equipped with AutoTrac automatic steering and a Kemper 460 Champion maize header.

The new 7750 i Series self-propelled forage harvester equipped with AutoTrac automatic steering and a Kemper 460 Champion maize header.

john deere 7750 i Series self-propelled forage harvester
This new header is a 6m (eight row), large drum, row independent unit, and is particularly designed to handle very tall plants and difficult, laid crops to reduce harvesting losses. The demonstration will also highlight the Kemper range’s new optional automatic header control, using a specially constructed ramp. Designed for undulating ground, this features active management of the header height and tilt using information from sensors on the header feelers.

John Deere’s unique HarvestLab system will also be demonstrated in the event’s special grass management forums, sponsored by Keenan and organised in conjunction with the British Grassland Society. The HarvestLab dry matter sensor is a near infra-red (NIR) unit that fits on the forager spout and provides an easy to use, fast and reliable method of checking dry matter content in the field, allowing the operator to view continuously updated moisture and yield information on the cab’s AMS GreenStar display.


In combination with the forager’s AutoLOC system, HarvestLab allows the operator to preset the forager to automatically adjust the length of cut on the move, depending on the dry matter content of the crop being harvested.

It can also be easily removed from the spout to allow it to be used for stationary feed analysis of different forage ingredients. The demonstration will illustrate how, by providing accurate analysis of the silage dry matter content, the HarvestLab system can allow dairy farmers to calculate the precise amount of dry matter that is ultimately fed to their animals, which can result in increased yields and improved animal health.

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John Deere

grassland & muck 2008