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Stackyard News Apr 08

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RABDF Welcomes Welsh Plans for Badger Cull

The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has welcomed the Welsh Assembly Government’s £27million bTB eradication programme which includes culling badgers in targeted hot-spot areas.

“The Assembly’s announcement reflects the power of common sense,” comments RABDF chairman, Lyndon Edwards. “Its decision to introduce a raft of bTB control measures to Wales, including culling badgers in hot-spot areas, is a major breakthrough for all livestock farmers and its importance cannot be over stated.”

He adds: “It’s high time that the English Government took notice of the Welsh Assembly Government’s lead and follow suit to end the unnecessary suffering to badgers and cattle, and prevent even further spread of the insidious disease in England. Similar measures were contained in the EFRA committee report’s multi-faceted approach to tackling bTB presented to Government in the last few weeks. The document should be taken off the shelf and implemented immediately.”

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