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Stackyard News May 08

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Givendale Prime: Establishing a Premium from Farm to Fork

Creating a niche in the retail marketplace will be up for discussion at a field day to be staged at Givendale Farm, Pocklington, York, on Tuesday 10 June, at which the Stabiliser Cattle Company (SCC) will officially launch Givendale Prime.


Stabiliser beef cattle

Givendale Prime is the brand being developed by SCC to market Stabiliser Beef to the upper end of the retail market. Stabiliser sired cattle from suckler herds are finished on grass based systems to produce a tender, succulent and full flavoured product.

The field day will include SCC’s Richard Fuller providing an update on beef producers’ escalating interest in the Stabiliser concept as a cost saving, functional damline which is significantly improving their overall business output. SCC’s recently appointed supply chain manager, Ursula Taylor will discuss the development of Givendale Prime as a branded product targeting the top end of the retail sector and developing a premium for producers. She will also explain how the company is developing the supply chain.

Catering butcher, Richard Taylor, of Derby based Owen Taylor Ltd will comment on why he began to source Givendale Prime on a weekly basis for his customers, the consistent positive feedback received and the potential to build volume. Finally, AHDB’s Richard Lowe will offer his view on the beef market and potential trends for the future.

“Givendale Prime is an outstanding eating quality product and has exceptional unique selling points,” explains Richard Fuller. “We are slowly developing the brand in Yorkshire and the uptake so far among niche markets has been very positive. Eventually, we intend to develop a Givendale Prime operating blueprint that can be adopted on a regional basis enabling an increasing number of Stabiliser beef producers to benefit from SCC’s marketing effort and in turn, offer more and more consumers the opportunity to enjoy the high quality, consistent eating experience that Givendale Prime offers.”

Further information on the field day from SCC’s Richard Fuller on 07970 097519.

link UK Sired Poll Charolais Sells for Norwegian Record
link Gene Marker Selection Improves Beef Tenderness
link Tide Could Be Turning for UK Suckler Beef Producers

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