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Stackyard News May 08

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    SAC's Royal Highland Show Preview

June will see SAC bring its experience and skills in education, research and consultancy to the Royal Highland Show (RHS) at Ingliston.


royal highland show judging

A long-standing contributor to the RHS, SAC will have a range of vets, consultants and lecturers available to those in the land-based industries.

The event forms part of SAC's 'Success through Knowledge' campaign, funded by the Scottish Government and will focus on the work of SAC through six themes: Thriving rural communities, animal welfare, education, biodiversity, quality food and climate change.

There will be a number of events and activities taking place at the SAC stand over the four days of the event:

Between 19th and 20th, SAC vets will be demonstrating the Scottish Animal Health Planning System (SAHPS), a new web-based health management system which will be available free to farmers and veterinary surgeons from summer 2008. Key functions of the system will include concise & comprehensive health plans for flocks, collation of data for AHWMP benchmarking, a summary of health plan data by specific diseases or conditions and scheduling of flock treatments and highlighting key dates.

On Friday 20th, between 2 and 4pm, there will be an opportunity to meet a group of food producers from Dumfries & Galloway at Tasting The Farmers’ Market. Buying food direct from the producer means that consumers buy fresh food, while supporting the local economy and incurring less food miles. The food producers will offer samples of their home-produced beef, lamb, cheese, home baking, jam, chutneys, fruit wine, ice cream, and more. Speakers at the event include SAC’s David Lamb, plus Sally Crystal (Chair of the Scottish Association of Farmers' Markets) and Pam Rodway.

Also at the show, will be an opportunity to see a garden designed and built by SAC students from the Ayr campus. The garden, entitled Buddhas and Bagpipes: A Plant Hunters Garden, has been built by students on the Garden Design course, led by Programme Leader, Margaret Norton. The garden was recently displayed at Gardening Scotland which took place at Ingliston last week, and will be on display at the SAC stand for the duration of the RHS.

SAC works closely with other research providers in Scotland, and beyond. The RHS is a good example of the close partnerships with Scotland’s Major Research Providers, as SAC will again be joined by two other research providers, the Macaulay Institute and the SCRI (Scottish Crop Research Institute).

link NSA Sheep 2008: Dogs, Shearers and Fencing Contractors
link Great Yorkshire Show - Trade Stands Sold Out
link All Roads Lead to Hawick for NSA Scotsheep 2008

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royal highland show 2008