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Stackyard News Jun 08

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Food and Farming Campaign Aims for Bumper Second Year

The NFU Scotland campaign, entitled ‘What’s On Your Plate?’, is now entering its second year and has ambitious plans to continue in its aim of promoting Scottish food and drink to consumers.

What’s On Your Plate?

The campaign, which was launched in June 2007, is a high profile, national campaign aimed at encouraging people to choose Scottish food and drink. The campaign highlights not only the quality of Scottish food and drink, but also the environmental, animal welfare, health and social benefits of buying Scottish. It encourages people to think about their food and drink choices and the positive impact that buying Scottish can have on the whole nation.

Now moving into its second year, What’s On Your Plate? is keen to hear from NFUS members who own or run food related businesses, such as farm shops, mail order produce sites or other diversified projects who are keen to promote their businesses on the campaign website.

The website will soon be expanded to include a map of local suppliers and the campaign and website will then be actively promoted to the public as a great place to find out about Scottish food and drink and where to buy it within their area and online.

Anna Davies, NFU Scotland’s Communications and Campaigns Manager, said:

“The What’s On Your Plate? campaign is now a year old and we are taking it forward into its second year with great plans and great enthusiasm. In its first year, the campaign received over 140 pieces of excellent media coverage ranging from coverage on the BBC to features in the Sunday Herald. In addition, over 18,000 members of the public have signed the online pledge of support for Scottish food and farming.

“We now aim to expand on this success and broaden the reach of the campaign. We particularly want to promote the website to the wider public. It is a great place to learn about Scottish farming and Scottish food and also the ideal platform for farmers to promote themselves to the masses.

“The campaign still has a huge amount of scope when it comes to persuading consumers to ‘Back Scotland, Buy Scottish’ and we are extremely keen to spread the positive farming messages as far and wide as possible and get everyone in Scotland backing its farmers and its food.

“I would encourage any NFUS members who are keen to get their messages out to the public to get in touch with me so that we can feature them for free on the website.”

  • If you are an NFUS member and you’re involved in a food related business which could benefit from free promotion on the What’s On Your Plate? website, please email, including the name of your business, 100 words about the business and your contact details and website address.
  • Members of the public are encouraged to visit the website to learn more about Scottish food and farming, to download a free calendar of seasonal produce and to find out about local suppliers.
  • The campaign website is

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