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Stackyard News Jul 08

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Esgob Heads Welsh Charolais League on Performance

Gwynedd Charolais breeder, Gareth Jones has received HCC’s new award for the most progressive Welsh Charolais herd on performance.

Gareth Jones receives his award from HCC’s Dewi Huges with right, BCCS president, Peter Vasey.

Gareth Jones
His 30 cow Esgob herd based at Cwmtirmynach, Bala demonstrated the most improved Terminal Index (TI), up 38% on the year, of all Charolais Breedplan recorded herds in Wales.

“This award comes on the back of the Welsh BQI Scheme which has funded 350 mainly commercial herds with grants of up to £2,500 to buy in stock bulls with good performance figures,” explained HCC Meat Promotion Wales’, Dewi Hughes who presented the award. “During the last 12 months, the Esgob herd has made significant achievements in its terminal performance figures through careful bull selection on Estimated Breeding Values and good type.
The herd has moved up seven TI points to an average TI 25.4 across the herd, a 38% increase in the last 12 months.”

Contributing to that success was Thrunton Virginian, which Mr Jones secured in Perth two years ago for 18,000gns as the herd’s new sire. He is paternal brother to Thrunton Voldemort who sold the same day for 55,000gns. “Virginian has great shape and character, and supporting Breedplan data to complement the herd in terms of 400 day weight and ease of calving,” he said. “His first crop of calves are proving to be extremely consistent in quality conformation and they are all within the breed’s top 10% on Terminal Index, a performance indicator which suckler men are becoming increasingly aware of in their buying decisions since the BQI Scheme has raised the data’s profile and its benefits.”

Thrunton Virginian’s success was also reflected in showring at the Royal Welsh last week where Mr Jones lifted the Charolais male and supreme breed championship with Esgob Campbell, a 16 month old Virginian son who later went on to secure the junior interbreed male award. In addition, Esgob Christine, a 15 month old maiden heifer by Virginian was awarded the female title. Later on the two teamed up to secure the reserve interbreed pairs award.

• The BQI Scheme will continue in a new format with funding available towards performance recording for new and existing entrants. For further information, please contact Dewi Hughes on 01970 625050.

link New National Beef Association Chairman Appointed
link Charolais Cattle Show Attracts Outstanding Entry
link Hang on to the Golden Beef Cows

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