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Stackyard News Sep 08

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    Dairy Event Provides Export Shop WIndow

The Dairy Event and Livestock Show, the UK’s largest livestock business to business event will be providing business boosting export opportunities at its Stoneleigh Park, Coventry venue on 17 and 18 September.


dairy cattle

The event, staged by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers will be welcoming delegations of international guests from as far a field as China, South Africa, Colombia and Romania, among the 13,000 visitors.

“The event offers a major opportunity for our 450 exhibitors to showcase the UK’s highly advanced and technological industry, and our expanded range of exhibitions covering all aspects of ruminant production, beef, sheep, commercial goats and native breeds, as well as dairy, enhances its appeal to all visitors,” comments RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington. “The last Dairy Event attracted more than 300 overseas visitors from over 30 different countries, and our survey revealed that 53% of exhibitors reported enquiries from international contacts.”

HSBC’s newly appointed head of agriculture, Pat Tomlinson says: “This year’s show is more eagerly awaited than most with it being two years since the last, and the first one to incorporate other livestock. It seems that every year there is so much more information available to be gained by farmers, their suppliers, the processors, retailers, and of course banks, to equip them for success in the coming year – as well as an opportunity to renew acquaintances and celebrate farming.

“That is why we are proud to continue our longstanding relationship as principal sponsor to this show, as a way of encouraging continued progression in the industry, to make sure our specialist agriculture team are up to date and well informed and to help us get more farming customers.”

link Kilnsey Show Defies Weather
link Farm Health Planning at the Dairy Event and Livestock Show
link Kilnsey Show Organisers Welcome Bluetongue Protection Zone Extension

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