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Stackyard News Oct 08

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    TFA Autumn Road Show Gets Underway

The Tenant Farmers Association will be out on the road next week on the first part of its autumn round of evening meetings for tenant farmers focusing this time on rent reviews and other topical issues.

TFA National Chairman
Greg Bliss

gregg bliss

TFA National Chairman Greg Bliss said "Earlier this year we had a very successful road show on rent reviews just before this year’s negotiations between landlords and tenants got underway. This time around we're focusing again on the rent review issue but taking the lessons learned from the reviews which have already been settled and passing this information and advice on to tenants who are still in negotiation. We have found that a significant number of TFA members are reporting that their landlords have been asking for large, unsustainable rent increases. We have been able to help them in fighting this through the information and support that we can provide”.

The TFA meetings will also cover a number of other topical issues including Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, Bovine TB, set-aside and the Government’s agenda for Cost and Responsibility sharing on animal health and Welfare issues depending on the area of the meeting.

At each meeting there will be an expert from the TFA's panel of Recommended Professionals, along with representatives from the TFA. The meetings, which all start at 7:30pm will take place as follows.

20th October: Talbot Hotel, West Street, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR8 6EP
21st October: Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston New Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0UJ
22nd October: Bowburn Hall Hotel, Bowburn, Durham, DH6 5NH
23rd October: The Lady Anne's Hotel, 37-38 High Street, St Martins Without, Lincolnshire, PE9 2LJ
10th November: The Devon Hotel, Matford, Exeter, Devon, EX2 8XU
11th November: Legacy Rise & Crown Hotel, Harnham Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8JQ
12th November: Bull Hotel, Bull Lane, Wrotham, Kent, TN15 7RF
13th November: Letchworth Hall Hotel, Letchworth Lane, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 3NP

The events are free of charge to farm tenants, but any tenant wanting to attend must register their interest with the TFA on 0018 930 6130, or by email on

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