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Stackyard News Nov 08

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RABDF Calls for Immediate Action to Stem Further TB Spread

The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has called for the immediate implementation of practical measures towards TB eradication following this week’s Defra announcement that the number of new infected herd incidents in GB are up 24% on the year between January and August.


dairy cows

“Defra’s latest data has reinforced our view that something has to happen, and happen fast because the disease has spun completely out of control,” commented RABDF chairman, Lyndon Edwards. “The total number of new herd TB incidents increased by an astounding 24% to 3,373 between January and August, furthermore the number of reactors slaughtered has increased by 45% to 23,866 head of cattle, a figure that is well on the way to 40,000 by the end of this year.

“The newly launched Defra/industry TB eradication group is a step in the right direction, however it requires commitment from Government, without its usual vacillation. We do not want any more delay tactics; we believe that we have put forward a sensible and workable approach, however it’s a case of delivering and putting those proposals in to action from immediate effect. It’s time the Government took leadership to control the disease.”

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