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Stackyard News Jan 09

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    Major Challenges Face Seed Production and Treatment

Since BCPC organised its third Symposium on seed health and treatment back in 2001, major changes have taken place in technology and the markets which have affected arable and horticultural production.


Seeed bed preparation

In particular, there has been increasing pressure for better crop protection management and husbandry techniques to produce and treat seed to ensure the reliable production of economically viable crops.

To examine the latest developments and the effects of the current and future legislation on seed production in the UK and Europe, BCPC is organising its fourth technical Symposium Seed Production and Treatment in a Changing Environment on 24 and 25 February 2009. The event will be held at the Belfry Hotel, Wishaw, West Midlands, UK.

“Over the past three years there has been more information available on the technology of seed treatment,” explains Dr Anthony Biddle, Chairman of the Programme Committee. “There has also been improved interpretation of seed testing, a better understanding of the technology of seed testing, as well as sampling of seeds and production methods which lessen the risk of pest or pathogen attack. During the two days of the Symposium, we have an international panel of speakers who will provide a highly topical and exciting programme on a wide range of issues affecting seed health and crop establishment in a rapidly changing agricultural environment which is currently suffering severe economic challenges.”

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