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Stackyard News Jan 09

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    New Sugar Beet Herbicide Can Increase Yields

A new sugar beet herbicide that uses a unique formulation technology to provide improved crop safety and significant yield increases compared to existing herbicides has been launched in the UK.

Sugar beet

Sugar beet

Betasana TRIO, from Cheshire based United Phosphorus Limited, is a selective post-emergent herbicide that contains three active ingredients and uses the company’s patented Structured Surfactant Formulation (SSF) technology to provide unparalleled levels of crop safety with enhanced weed control.

The new herbicide, which contains 115g/litre ethofumesate, 75g/litre phenmedipham and 15g/litre desmedipham, offers effective control against a full range of annual weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels. The liquid herbicide is available in convenient 5 litre bottles, and contains 22% more active ingredient than the standard triple ingredient sugar beet herbicide when used at the manufacturers’ recommended application rates.

“Sugar beet growers need to concentrate all their efforts on improving crop yields in order to combat tightening margins due to rising input costs,” claims Richard Allen, UK sales manager for United Phosphorus.

“Beet crops are notoriously sensitive and as such need to be treated as gently as possible, particularly during the early stages of growth,” Mr Allen adds. “Betasana TRIO significantly reduces the threat of crop damage by using a unique oil formulation which is much gentler on the crop without compromising on weed control.

“Betasana TRIO is the only herbicide with three active ingredients to use this new technology, and is the latest of only a very limited number of UK licensed products to contain desmedipham,” Mr Allen explains.

UK trials have shown that crops treated with Betasana TRIO achieved an average increase of 1.8 t/ha over crops treated with the standard triple ingredient herbicide. “Our unique SSF formulation is a step on from traditional SC formulations, and represents the next generation of annual weed herbicides,” Mr Allen claims. “Our data shows that this new technology can help to improve efficacy rates, not only by offering excellent weed control, but also by being kinder to the crop and allowing significantly improved yields to be achieved.”

The three active ingredients contained within the herbicide complement each other to provide rapid acting, long lasting and effective weed control in all conditions. Betasana TRIO can be applied as soon as the majority of the crop is at the fully expanded cotyledon stage, right through to crop stage BBCH 18.

The herbicide is also suitable for use on all soil types and is compatible with a number of additional products. “It is therefore ideal for British growers looking to improve their existing crop care regime – whether upgrading to a triple ingredient herbicide for the first time, or for existing multi-ingredient users who need to pack high levels of active ingredients into their herbicide programme,” Mr Allen concludes.

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