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Stackyard News Jan 09

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    Downland Introduce Lamb Force Ewe Milk Replacer

Sheep farming is facing more challenges this year maintaining profitability with rising fuel costs – but advances in feed technology means artificially reared lambs are now more viable and profitable.



Lamb Force, a new ewe milk replacer, has been launched by Downland. Lamb Force has been developed in response to demand and feedback from farmers throughout the UK.

Sophie Bell, Director, Downland said: “We have listened carefully to farmers, and feedback from the market in developing Lamb Force. Based on this feedback we have formulated Lamb Force to meet the needs of the lamb and the farmer. A key aim in formulating the milk is that you can’t pick out which lambs have been artificially reared when mixed with the rest of the lambs.

“We’re really excited by this new development in formulation of Lamb Force. This will overcome the digestibility problems associated with artificial rearing. It also means that the milk is highly palatable, and lambs love it so much that they are quick to suckle and to stand.”

Coconut Oil forms a key ingredient in Lamb Force, which is proven to be the best energy source for lambs due to its small, homogeneous, fat globules, which ensure optimum transfer of the fat through the gut wall. Maximum growth, strength and energy if further optimized with an oil to protein ration of 23%:23%.

In order to provide healthy quality lambs, Lamb Force also contains the nutrient health package of supplements, Life Force – which maintains the immune and natural defence systems of young lambs, and helps to reduce losses due to infection.

Life Force contains several dietary and nutritional supplements to stimulate the immune systems and encourage healthy, infection free, lambs. It contains Activated Beta-Glutens which help build the lambs natural defence systems and reduces losses due to infections. It also contains Protimax, rich antibody proteins which help the lamb meet the challenges of early life and is unique to the Lamb Force formulation.

Lamb Force is designed to help farmers too by being easy to mix, dispersing quickly, and mixing and feeding warm or cold making it ideal for use in either bottles, ad-lib feeders or automated systems. It can be stored for several hours without curdling, settling or spoiling, thereby reducing time and hassle during the busy lambing time.

Sophie added: “ Another factor which was in great demand by farmers is the odour of the formulation. Farmers, like most humans, don’t like the mal-odour of natural ewe’s milk, so we have developed a malty flavour to the formulation. In market tests this has been much appreciated by those mixing the formula, and the lambs loved it too”

Lamb Force is available in Skim or Whey, and is available in 10 kg or 20 kg bags. Distinctive packaging has been developed which is designed to be durable and protect the powder from damp conditions.

Lamb Force is available now from all Downland Distributors.

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