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Stackyard News Feb 09

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    EBLEX Runs Electronic Identification of Sheep Market Trial

EBLEX has joined forces with the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA) to run a trial examining how implementation of legislation governing the electronic identification of sheep (EID), will impact on the day-to-day operation of livestock markets.


swaledale sheep

Last week (Thursday) a delegation from the European Commission visited an EID market trial at Sedgemoor Auction Centre, Bridgewater, where electronically tagged sheep were put through a simulated market day.

The trial, running on normal market days, is scheduled to run for eight weeks, and will look at tag reading options, integration with the market computer system and the production of movement licenses. It is also hoped an insight will be gained into any additional labour requirements and capital costs that will be necessary to ensure the legislation is adhered to.

Liz Ford, Regional Project Manager at EBLEX is co-ordinating the Sedgemoor EID trial. “EBLEX is very aware of the widespread industry concerns on the implementation of EID, both on farm and across the supply chain. This trial will provide practical information which can help live markets assess how EID could operate in a working market on a day-to-day basis.”

Christopher Dodds , Executive Secretary at the LAA comments; “Livestock markets run commercial businesses servicing both ends of the supply chain, therefore it is essential that we properly prepare for EID. The involvement of EBLEX in the market trial has been essential in allowing us to mitigate the potential logistical and practical problems facing the industry.”

link Sheep Trade Buoyed by Variety of Marketplaces
link British Wool Election Candidate Champions Change
link EBLEX Flock Analyses Highlight Improvement Priorities

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