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Stackyard News May 09

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    UK Mule – Promoting the Extraordinary

UK Mule is an exciting development from the Blue Faced Leicester Sheep Breeders Association, in bringing together all the different Mules societies under one umbrella to help the promotion and development of the sector and highlighting the full benefits of the Mule sheep.

UK Mules

The mule ewe, in its various guises from the North of Scotland to the South West of England is the backbone of the British Sheep industry, with around 50% of the commercial breeding flock sired by the Blue Faced Leicester, combining the hardiness of hill ewes with the prolificacy of the Blue Faced Leicester to create an easy care sheep which consistently produces great commercial lambs quickly and cheaply ideal for today’s market place.

In today’s market, with an eye on costings the Mule ewe is consistently the number one sheep for profitability. Many flocks enjoy a 200% lambing and with the ewes milking quickly from birth to the lamb finishing stage ensures efficient grass to meat conversion. Many mules breed in their first year and many go on to produce 6 or more crops of lambs.

UK Mule is a one stop shop, which aims to bring all the information about these outstanding sheep on an all new website where flockmasters can get all the latest information including sale dates at all the sale centres around the United Kingdom and also links up with breed societies too, with the aim of helping those who want to breed their own mules.

The official launch of UK Mule will be at North Sheep 2009 where there will be a champagne reception and an excellent stand which will highlight the full extent of the versatility and quality of the Mule.

The sheep which proves you can have quality with quantity.

Like sheep, where the Mule goes, others follow.

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Blue Faced Leicester Sheep Breeders

Roundhouse Building Solutions Ltd