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Stackyard News Sep 09

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Wynnstay Beef Award for Top Agriculture Student

James Runciman (right) receives the Wynnstay Beef Award from Steve Jarrett at his graduation from Harper Adams University
Wynnstay Beef Award
An agriculture student from Harper Adams University College has won the 2009 Wynnstay Beef Award for his involvement in a trial that assessed the effect of galacto-oligosaccharide on the performance of hand-reared bull calves.

James Runciman, who is from an arable and beef farming background in Norfolk, was presented with the award by Steve Jarrett of Wynnstay in recognition of his enthusiastic and dedicated approach to the experiment which involved bucket rearing 42 bull calves to the age of 12 weeks.

James received the award at his graduation ceremony where he was also awarded an upper second class (2:1) honours degree in Agriculture and Animal Science.

“James put a lot of hard work, time and effort into his final year project and is a worthy winner of this year’s Wynnstay Beef Award,” stated Mr Jarrett. “All 42 of the calves involved in the trial thrived well thanks to James’ dedication and hard work. We wish him every success in his post-graduate career.”

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