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Stackyard News Sep 09

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Semex Talent+ Package Offers Leading Sires at Lower Prices

Semex has already stimulated the dairy genetics market into introducing better quality sexed bulls at lower prices . . . and now the firm’s aggressive marketing stance is turning its attention to some of its top conventional bulls too, with a special promotion price on the globally renowned Ladino Park Talent RC.

Hailstone Talent Maybelle


Normally priced at £30 a straw the “Talent+ package” lowers the price of the bull to £25 a straw, with another 20% straws free if at least two other sires are purchased in equal quantities. And the additional bulls are also priced at the same £25 offer price. Bulls available in the package offer include Magor Bolivia Allen, R-E-W Buckeye, Gillette Final Cut, and Kerndtway Howie. Between them they have a UK type score averaging 2.70. A minimum of 10 straws per bull must be purchased to qualify for the deal, however.

Talent, Buckeye and Final Cut all have second crop proofs, with the daughters being widely acclaimed throughout the UK and across the world. Talent has nearly 10,000 daughters on the ground now in Canada in over 3700 herds, giving him a reliability of 99%. His daughters are renowned for their excellent overall type, particularly their udders and rumps. Talent is also an exceptionally high fertility sire, resulting in him being classed as an elite “Repromax” (high fertility) sire.

The other bulls available in the package are also designed to deliver profitable, easily managed and durable cows. Buckeye has been one of the UK’s top selling bulls over the last few years, throwing high performing daughters with exceptional udders, feet and legs; Gillette Final Cut produces cows with an abundance of dairyness, high fat % and low somatic cell counts; Magor Bolivia Allen breeds strong, high-yielding daughters with exceptional udders and low somatic cell counts, and Kerndtway Howie, who produces powerful, milky daughters with tremendous udders and feet & legs.

“All the bulls have great type, reliability and production potential,” says Willie Tait, Genetics Manager for Semex. “Their daughters will truly stand the test of time.”

Gordon Miller, Semex’s Managing Director, says that the company will do all it can to help farmers maintain and increase their profitability, particularly when times are tough. “Farmers look to companies to respond and help them by reducing their input costs. That’s what we are doing at Semex by offering top bulls at excellent prices to deliver market leading value.”

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