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Stackyard News Sep 09

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Cheshire Dairy Farmer Seeks New Ideas at Global Dairy 500

Cheshire dairy farmer Paul Billington will be seeking new ideas and inspiration to underpin the recent expansion of his family’s Holstein milking herd when he joins delegates at Alltech’s Global Dairy 500 conference this month.

Paul Billington (right) with Alltech's Bob Kendal

Paul Billington (right) with Alltech's Bob Kendal

Mr Billington, who works alongside his parents David and Janet running the 240-cow Holstein herd at Broad Oak Farm, Siddington, will be part of the second annual worldwide gathering of progressive dairy farmers organised by Alltech and staged at its global headquarters in Kentucky, USA.

As Alltech UK’s northern area manager Bob Kendal explains, the opportunities at Global Dairy 500 to share experiences and explore fresh thinking are unparalleled.

“Paul will share an intensive three or four day experience with some of the more innovative and entrepreneurial individuals involved in dairy farming worldwide. He should have a lot of fun, but most importantly we hope he’ll bring back some new ideas that will help him to improve what he is doing at home in Cheshire.”

A recent agriculture graduate from Harper Adams University College, Paul Billington won a scholarship to attend the 2009 Global Dairy 500 in a national farming paper competition.

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