A brisk trade and buoyant mood is expected at the NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale to be held at the Royal Welsh Showground on Monday 21 September. Organisers say the main sale will see 5,200 sheep go under the hammer as the event returns to the popular one-day format, with Tup Taxis introduced to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
Tup Taxis ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
Confidence in the sheep sector coupled with a very strong early sale on 3 August this year has boosted the expectations of the sale committee. The twentieth annual Early Ram Sale was marked by a top price of 1950 guineas for a Texel shearling – almost doubling the top price achieved the previous year – and by a successful trial run of the Tup Taxis.
High top prices in the main breeds and, almost with out exception, increased averages set the season off to a good start, with 1300 guineas the top Suffolk price and 1150 guineas for the top Charollais. A buoyant early lamb trade and good ewe prices drove the trade as buyers sought top quality rams to produce for next year.
Ram Sale Committee Chairman George Hughes said: "It was one of the best sales we have had as far as prices were concerned. There was a considerable increase in prices compared with the previous year and we’re very pleased to think that we held such an excellent trade with high prices and good clearance of top quality rams.
"There was a first class trade reflecting the current buoyancy of the sheep trade. It’s better than it’s been for years. And the ram prices have reflected that trade."
The early sale grossed £188,937.64, with 504 sheep sold. David Powell of Llandrindod Wells who was operating the free Tup Taxi service for the first time said the team had been fully occupied. Buyers had been very happy with the innovation, which involved ferrying rams by quad bike and trailer from the sale pens to the buyers’ vehicles.
The NSA Wales and Border Ram Sales are sponsored by Symtag, Ketchum, and Farmers Guardian. Chairman George Hughes can be contacted on 01952 291618. Secretary Jane Smith is on 07813108144
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