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Stackyard News Oct 09

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Nelson Cements Hold on Skipton Swaledale Ewe Fixture

There was complete clearance of the 4,813 Swaledale correct draft ewes and gimmer shearlings entered for the annual prize show and sale at Skipton Auction Mart (Sat, Oct 3) – and at notably higher top and average prices than the corresponding 2008 fixture.

Roy Nelson is pictured centre with his Skipton Swaledale ewe title winners, joined by co-judges Steve Hallam and Wayne Allen.

Roy Nelson is pictured centre with his Skipton Swaledale ewe title winners, joined by co-judges Steve Hallam and Wayne Allen.
Shearlings averaged £85.58 (£55.66 in 2008), 2-shear ewes £71.21 (no comparison last year), 3-shear £72.44 (£49.01 last year) and 4-crop £65 (2008 - £41.06)

Like last year, when he was reserve show champion, Swaledale supremo Roy Nelson, of Lainger House, Bordley, again secured top price in show. His pen of ten ewes – also chosen as overall champions this year – sold for £175 per head to P Critchlow, of Hartington, Buxton. This represented a marked improvement on the £100 price tag in 2008.

Peak District breeders were well represented on the day, consigning quality sheep, a good number of which returned to the area.

Derbyshire vendor John Bland, of Crowden, Glossop, took second prize in the ewe class, his ten-strong pen also finding its way to Hartington when acquired by show co-judge Wayne Allen at £105 a head. In addition, Mr Allen paid £118 each for the third prize pen from Chris Akrigg, Cray.

The first and second prize shearling pens also came from Derbyshire when exhibited by Buxton-based Neil Richardson. The class winners sold for £112 per head to TL, MM & GT Haynes, Mitton, Clitheroe, while the runners-up returned to Buxton when knocked down for £120 apiece to J Bellfield.

Top price in class at £170 a head - £90 last year – fell to Chris Akrigg, his charges joining North Craven’s WA & A Booth, Feizor. Mr Akrigg again had the third in class, sold for £130 each to Neil Heseltine, Malham.

Second co–judge was Steve Hallam, Whitby.

link Blue Faced Leicesters Take Lead at Skipton Multi-Breed Highlight
link Forts Storm to Top Price Success at Skipton Lleyn Show
link Crisp Price-Topper at Craven Dairy Auction

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