There was complete clearance of the 4,813 Swaledale correct draft ewes and gimmer shearlings entered for the annual prize show and sale at Skipton Auction Mart (Sat, Oct 3) – and at notably higher top and average prices than the corresponding 2008 fixture.
Roy Nelson is pictured centre with his Skipton Swaledale ewe title winners, joined by co-judges Steve Hallam and Wayne Allen.
Shearlings averaged £85.58 (£55.66 in 2008), 2-shear ewes £71.21 (no comparison last year), 3-shear £72.44 (£49.01 last year) and 4-crop £65 (2008 - £41.06)
Like last year, when he was reserve show champion, Swaledale supremo Roy Nelson, of Lainger House, Bordley, again secured top price in show. His pen of ten ewes – also chosen as overall champions this year – sold for £175 per head to P Critchlow, of Hartington, Buxton. This represented a marked improvement on the £100 price tag in 2008.
Peak District breeders were well represented on the day, consigning quality sheep, a good number of which returned to the area.
Derbyshire vendor John Bland, of Crowden, Glossop, took second prize in the ewe class, his ten-strong pen also finding its way to Hartington when acquired by show co-judge Wayne Allen at £105 a head. In addition, Mr Allen paid £118 each for the third prize pen from Chris Akrigg, Cray.
The first and second prize shearling pens also came from Derbyshire when exhibited by Buxton-based Neil Richardson. The class winners sold for £112 per head to TL, MM & GT Haynes, Mitton, Clitheroe, while the runners-up returned to Buxton when knocked down for £120 apiece to J Bellfield.
Top price in class at £170 a head - £90 last year – fell to Chris Akrigg, his charges joining North Craven’s WA & A Booth, Feizor. Mr Akrigg again had the third in class, sold for £130 each to Neil Heseltine, Malham.
Second co–judge was Steve Hallam, Whitby.
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