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Stackyard News Jan 2010

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Set Tight Health Status Rules

With the 2010 sale season fast approaching, the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society is building on its decision made last year to raise the health standard of cattle being offered at Society Sales.

Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Chief Executive Ron McHattie

Ron McHattie

All cattle entered for these sales will need to come from BVD accredited herds and be vaccinated for BVD. If vendors can’t forward stock from accredited herds then those individual animals will require to be tested and vaccinated against BVD.

Similarly, with Johne’s Disease cattle must come from herds which are testing for Johne’s and taking steps to eradicate the disease. The first sales to be affected will be February’s Perth Bull Sales held at Stirling and later those held through H&H’s Borderway Sale Centre, with other sales following suit in 2011.

Last year the Society introduced herd health declarations which asked vendors to detail their herd health status including TB testing status, membership details of CHeCS health schemes and Johne’s, BVD, IBR and Lepto status. Aberdeen-Angus Chief Executive Ron McHattie explains: “This information was then produced in a vendor’s index within the respective sale catalogue as well as displayed on herd health sale declaration cards for use above the vendors selling pens.

“Now we have taken herd health declarations one step further by introducing the BVD and Johne’s accreditation, monitoring and vaccinating declaration. Mr McHattie further states: “This is a bold initiative by the Aberdeen-Angus Society and we are proud to be the first breed Society to raise the standard at all official Society Sales. This initiative will go a long way to increasing buyer confidence.”

David Leggat, Executive Chairman of UA Group adds: “We welcome this very important initiative by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society as both of these diseases are central to any proactive herd health policy be it in the pedigree or commercial sector.  These diseases account for a substantial cost to the industry and any steps taken to raise awareness and provide assurances as this initiative does are to be welcomed.  We are very pleased to be associated with and supportive of the Society’s lead in this important issue.”

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society