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Stackyard News Jan 2010

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Oman Son Logan is Leading Improver in Holstein Proof Run

Co-op Oman LOGAN emerges from the January 2010 Holstein proof run as a leading improver for £PLI, production and milk components and, according to, now ranks as the best value Oman son currently on the UK market.

Daughter, Jaeger Logan 2158

Daughter, Jaeger Logan 2158

Normally priced at £20 but available in the company’s winter sale catalogue at £13.50, Logan has also held his Type Merit and Lifespan figures, once the new base rate changes are taken into account, and has improved his somatic cell count score substantially.

“Logan now has a PLI of £185, which having taken into account the base rate change that has reduced all Holstein bull PLI figures by £35, makes him one of the highest available to the British farmer,” points out managing director Nick Kirby. “He shows significant improvement also in his milk production and milk components, and his somatic cell count score is now better still at -20.

“As a son of top PLI sire O-Bee Manfred Justice out of dam BW Marshall, Logan – who we source from leading US co-operative CRI - fully reflects his pedigree. He really does represent exceptional value and probably the most cost effective route to such outstanding genetics.”

The January 2010 proof run incorporates changes to both Type and Production proof values due to a base change. For Holsteins, this has resulted in the following adjustments, for example:

£PLI -35.
Milk(kg) -141.
Fat(kg) -6.6.
Protein(kg) -4.2.
Lifespan -0.1.
Type Merit -0.4 to 0.5.

A full explanation is available on the Holstein UK and DairyCo websites.

link Brown Swiss and Montbeliarde Get Their Own Proofs
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