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Stackyard News Feb 2010

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Charolais Bulls Meet Dynamic Trade in Stirling

Charolais met a dynamic trade in Stirling on Wednesday 16 February, where bidding peaked at 26,000gns, 18 lots sold for five figure sums and a new UK all Continental beef breeds average of £6,072 was established for 163 lots traded, a figure representing 80% clearance.

Goldies Detour - 26,000gns

Goldies Detour
“The event attracted an extremely consistent solid trade throughout the five hour fixture culminating in yet another record for a UK centre and confirming once again Charolais’ leading role in the beef sector,” commented the British Charolais Cattle Society chairman, Iain Millar. “Charolais enthusiasts who travelled from as far a field as Shetland to Dorset demonstrated they were prepared to dig deep, confident their investment would leave a worthy return. Charolais cross calves are continuing to not only leave premiums at the suckled calf sales up and down the country, but the differential over all other crosses has continued to widen. Added to that is commercial producers’ demand for stock with quiet temperament.”

The day’s leading 26,000gns entry came late in the day for the 16 month old Goldies Detour who was within the breed’s top 20% with a Terminal Index (TI) +28 and Self Replacing Index (SRI) +35. Bred and exhibited by Hamish Goldie, Ruthwell, Dumfries this first prize class winner was bred from homebred lines; his sire was Goldies Banker who goes back to Oldstone Egbert and he was out Goldies Violin, a Thrunton Trademark daughter. The buyer was Charlie Boden who runs the 100 cow herd based at Stockport and whose last major purchase was four years ago with Thrunton Voldemort at 55,000gns in a joint split with Esmor Evans. “Detour was clean through the middle and he had a good second thigh,” he said. “Moreover, Detour should complement Voldemort’s daughters; both these bulls go back to the 25,000gns Perth supremo, Mowbraypark Orlando.”

Mr Boden recouped some of his spend earlier on when he sold the 18 month old Sportmans Dreadnaught TI +23, SRI + 31 for 11,000gns to WR Mill, Westfield, Thurso. One of 10 Voldemort sons who so far have come under the hammer sold to average more than £10,000, he was out of a homebred dam by Maerdy Rome and whose damline goes back to the 24,000gns Perth supreme, Ugie Legend.

Hamish Goldie went on to sell 12 lots in total to average £9,511 and enjoy one of his best days of trading since restocking, with bulls sired by homebred sires reflecting the herd’s consistency. Moreover, the previous day he was awarded a double placing in the final line up taking both junior titles. “This was an amazing first time achievement for the family in more than 40 years of exhibiting at the event,” he said. Reserve junior honours went to Goldies Decider TI +48, SRI +52, a 16 month old by the 25,000gns Perth supreme champion and Royal Highland junior interbreed champion, Goldies Unbeatable and out of a homebred dam by the 34,000gns Perth champion, Goldies Uppermost. He made 14,000gns to WD Mundell and Son, Clovenfords, Galashiels.

Next lot through the ring was Goldies Deposit TI +30, SRI +36, an October 2008 born Goldies Banker son and out of a Goldies Uppermost sired homebred dam. He made 9,500gns to David Cooper, Kincaldrum, Forfar.

At 11,000gns the 20 month old Goldies Diademe TI +32, SRI +38 sold to Mountquhanie Farms, Cupar, Fife. Sired by the 10,000gns Balthayock Ulex, he was out of a homebred dam by Blelack Rustic. Taking the overall junior championship title was the 16 month old Goldies Detective TI +23, SRI +27, another Goldies Banker son and out of a homebred dam from Hamish’s 95 cow herd going back to Derryharney Peter. Detective was secured for 8,500gns by A Sharp and Sons, Tough, Alford.

The second team to take the limelight was the Adam family, Drew, Bob and Kay, Newhouse of Glamis, Glamis, with a double placing in the intermediate section. However their success didn’t stop there; their 18 month old intermediate champion, Newhouse Dingdong TI +38, SRI +45 was minutes later hailed by the judge, Gilbert Crawford, Maghera, as the overall supreme champion. “Dingdong was an outstanding bull and as soon as he came in to the ring I knew he was the winner,” he said after his five hour judging stint. “This bull demonstrated all the Charolais criteria; he was clean and lengthy, he had power, bone and a clean back end.” For the Adam’s it was their fourth supreme title at the event in more than 30 years of breeding pedigree Charolais. “We’re thrilled to bits not just with the championship but the fact we’ve never before had a champion and reserve double in the same section,” said Bob.

Sired by the 14,000gns Sackville Adonis, Newhouse Dingdong went to join David Fattorini’s 60 cow herd based at Tockwith, York for the day’s second highest call of 22,000gns. “He was just one of two bulls entered in the catalogue whose whole character impressed me and who is suitable to put over my herd,” he said.

For the Adam family, 22,000gns was their second highest joint price ever and it contributed to them achieving the day’s leading average with six lots coming under the hammer sold for £12,110. Next was the reserve intermediate champion, Newhouse Diablo TI +30, SRI +35, a 19 month old by the 30,000gns Silver Joss and out of a homebred cow by the 20,000gns Blelack Rustic. At 15,000gns he attracted the day’s highest commercial bid from Jim Warnock who runs a 180 cow suckler herd, at Dreva, Biggar, however minutes later outside the ring he sold a half share of Diablo to John Green, Lilliesleaf, Melrose.

The Adam’s next two highest entries were 18 month olds by Sackville Adonis. Newhouse Delboy TI +29, SRI +37, who was out of homebred dam by Balnuith Ringleader made 14,000gns to TA Jones, Dryslwyn, Carmarthen while Newhouse Demitri TI +27, SRI + 33, went for 10,000gns to James and Vanessa Webb, Billesdon, Leicester.

Elgin Darthvader TI +16, SRI +22, a 20 month old from the Milne family, Lhanbryde, Elgin commanded the first of a string of 11,000gns bids. Sired by Gower Versace and out of a homebred dam by Rumsden Samurai, he returned to the north east with B Keir and Son, Craigievar, Alford. Minutes later the Milnes were in the money again at 10,000gns when they offered another June 2008 born Versace son, Elgin Dalmally TI +23, SRI +29 to James Herdman, Edlingham Newtown, Alnwick.

The Campbell family, Ian, John and their father, Colin, of Thrunton, Alnwick once again lifted the title for the best group of three bulls and went on to sell a string of 11 entries to average £7,234. Their trade was led at 11,000gns by Thrunton Denzil TI +41, SRI +48 who 24 hours earlier had collected the reserve senior title. Secured by M and I Stele, Banchory, Denzil was by Gretnahouse Archangel and out of a member of the Verity family who has produced a long line of noted bulls including the Thrunton Socrates and Thrunton Camelot, both at 25,000gns.

Later in the day the Campbells went on to lead the female trade at 6,000gns with a cow and calf pair to WA Black, Torphins, Banchory. Thrunton Belinda was a heifer by the 25,000gns Mowbraypark Orlando and out of a homebred dam by the 11,000gns Haymount Jetstream. She sold with her three month old bull calf at foot, Thrunton Errol by the 22,000gns Newhouse Bigal.

The 19 month old Carwood Darwin TI +24, SRI +29, bred and exhibited by Colin Wight, Biggar attracted 11,000gns from Kingcraigie Farms, Lumphannan, Banchory. Sired by Kelton Trident he was out of a homebred dam going back to the family’s Midlock Russell.

Heading the trade for Northern Ireland breeders at 11,000gns was Sandelford Duggan TI +29, SRI +32, a Goldies Usher son and out of a homebred cow by Drummeer Major. Bred by George and Gary Henderson, Bushmills, Antrim he travelled on to Caithness with JA Morris, Thurso.

The final 11,000gns call was made by the Ellis and Keir partnership, Glenkindie, Aberdeen for the 17 month old Harviestoun Declan, a Ravensworth Unwin son bred and exhibited by Lucy Poett, Dollar Perth.

Judge, Gilbert Crawford claimed to find ‘little between’ his overall supreme champion and his overall reserve and senior champion, Chunal Dougie TI +31, SRI +36 who went on to claim the first of the day’s six, 10,000gns bids. Sired by Corrie Alan and out of the Dingle Hofmeister sired Chunal Roxy who has produced three class prize winners in Carlisle, Dougie was bred and exhibited by Mark McGahan, Hadfield, Glossop, who established his seven cow herd 15 years ago and was making his debut at the event with the sole entry. “It’s been my ambition to win the Perth title, however I didn’t expect to get almost all the way there on my first outing. It’s almost been a dream come true.” Dougie went home with Jane Haw herd manager to Mr and Mrs Andrew White’s Balbithan herd, Worth Matravers, Swanage.

Midlock Dave, a 20 month old by Allanfauld Voltage and out of an Allanfauld Nutcase sired cow bred and exhibited by Mr and Mrs John Wight, Midlock, Biggar commanded a 10,000gns bid from W Dunlop and Sons, Innerwick, Dunbar.

The final 10,000gns call was made for Balthayock Duke TI +43, SRI +47, a 19 month old by the 8,000gns Balmyle Thunderbird and out of a Barbican Lancer sired dam from Major David Walter, Balthayock, Perth. The buyer was Stephen Allardyce, Tarland, Aboyne.

Leading a string of 11 bulls to average £7,612 from father and son team, Neil and Graeme Massie, Dinnet, Aboyne was the 10,000gns Blelack Deveron TI +30, SRI +34, a 21 month old by Coolnaslee Adversary and out of a Blelack Montgomery sired dam. He sold to Peter Foulger, Loxwood, Billinghurst. The Massie’s next best at 9,500gns was Blelack Dubair, a 15 month old youngster by Thrunton Socrates and out of a homebred dam going back to the 15,000gns Maerdy Oxo. The buyer was J Riddell, Kenmay, Inverurie. Blelack Damion TI+32, SRI +36 followed next at 9,000gns to Pat Wilson Farms, Almondbank, Perth. This rising two year old was by the 12,000gns Perth supreme champion Cargriff Victorious and out of a homebred cow by Balthayock Lombardo.

John and Raymond Irvine, Toumintoul, Ballindalloch offered their best at 9,500gns to Macfarlane Farms, Duns, Berwick. Inverlochy Dali TI +32, SRI +38 was the first of Lochend Apache’s crop of calves and out of a Thrunton Impeccable sired homebred dam. Inverlochy Dagan TI +38, SRI +42 , another Apache son and out of an Inverlochy Resolve sired cow made 8,000gns to G Fergus, Westray, Orkney.

Cumbria breeder, Peter Vasey, Wetheral, Carlisle was in the money at 9,000gns with his Edenhurst Denver TI +35, SRI +39 changing hands to RC Woodburn Galashiels. This 19 month old Dingle Hofmeister son was out of a homebred dam by Edenhurst Titus.

Two bulls making a successful one way trip over the water for 9,000gns each came from Adrian Richardson, Maguiresbridge, Fermanagh. First to go was Hillviewfarm Deserve, an 18 month old Allanfauld Vagabond son and out of a Coolnaslee bred cow by Derrygriff Mills. He sold to DJ Prosser, Brecon. The same vendor later offered Tonaghmore Duke, a 17 month old sired by Tonaghmore Augusto and bred by H Crawford. He was secured for a 9,000gns bid by EF Burnett, Kippen, Stirling.

Another NI bred bull and the sole entry from Kenny Veitch, Lisbellaw, Fermanagh made 8,000gns to AM Bell, New Aberdour, Fraserbugh. This 19 month old was by Indurain and out of a Tullygarley bred cow by Maerdy Impeccable.

Escalating demand for females was reflected in the day’s bouyant trade led at 6,000gns for the cow and bull calf pair from Thrunton. The Campbell family also sold at 4,200gns Thrunton Betsy, another heifer this time by Solwayfirth Union and offered with her four month old bull calf, Thrunton Ernest by Bigal. The pair were secured by W Riddoch, Grange, Keith.

Neil Caul’s (Liff, Dundee) draft of nine entries was headed at 5,000gns by Balnuith Uptowngirl, a Lochend Pirate daughter and out of an Ellern bred dam. She was sold with her nine month old heifer at foot by the £30,000 Moyness Vivacious to WA Black, Torphins, Banchory.

The female championship went to Dunesk Carol, a three year old heifer by Burradon Talisman and out of a Moyness Statesman bred cow from Jimmy McMillan, Farnell, Brechin. Carol was sold with Dunesk Fifi, her one month old heifer calf at foot by Thrunton Unstoppable for 5,200gns to J Hepburn, Hawick, Roxburgh.

Averages: 163 bulls £6,072; eight heifers £3,176.25; Balnuith: seven lots £2,399.25; Thrunton: three lots £4,794.30; Glenbrae: two lots £2,730; Falleninch: one lot £2,310.

Auctioneers: United Auctions

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