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Stackyard News Feb 2010

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    A MUST for Anyone Interested in Feed in Tariffs and Wind Energy

Over the past few weeks many people will have read or heard about the Government confirmation on Feed in Tariffs (FIT) for renewables initiatives, including wind turbines, and you probably thought to yourself, What could this mean for me? Could I benefit? Is it really as easy as it’s made out?

Wind turbines

If you have asked yourself any of the above questions or simply want to understand more about the renewable revolution then you are in luck.

gfw-Wind, who launched earlier this month as a subsidiary of George F White LLP, have announced that they are holding a number of free seminars, to inform and educate local land and property occupiers on the benefits and pitfalls of renewable wind technology.

The first two seminars will take place on Monday, 1 March at 6pm at Alnwick Rugby Club and Monday 15 March at 6pm at Berwick upon Tweed Rugby Club. Further dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

gfw-Wind provide a platform for land occupiers (tenants & landlords) to understand more about the renewable wind energy opportunities ranging from small (micro) turbines, to mid and big wind turbine projects. The seminars are aimed to outline and make potential purchasers aware of the pitfalls and benefits of such technology, the range of wind turbine types and projects available, grants, costs, and projected income from green energy production.

Commenting Hugh Fell, Managing Partner of George F White LLP said: “We have an experienced team who understand the benefits and pitfalls (elephant traps) of wind projects and can provide a full range of services, from initial site appraisal through to turbine procurement, and successful project delivery. We will also assist with turbine selection, turbine siting, planning and grant application.”

“The seminars are open to all property and land owners or occupiers, our specialist Renewables team will guide you through the processes from initial site survey to turbine procurement. Our hope is that by the end of the seminar you will understand the major benefits and drawbacks of wind technology, which will enable you to make an informed decision moving forward.”

link Farmers Should Not Fear the Greenhouse Gas Issue
link The Profits are Blowin’ in the Wind
link New Feed in Tariffs (FiTs) Make Small Scale Wind Impossible to Ignore

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George F. White

Roundhouse Building Solutions Ltd