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Stackyard News Apr 2010

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Matt Baker and Adam Henson Back TFA Sponsored Walk

The Tenant Farmers Association is pleased to have gained the support of two rural TV celebrities for its sponsored walk in aid of Farm Crisis Network and to raise the profile of upland farming issues.

Adam Henson

Adam Henson

Matt Baker and Adam Henson, presenters on BBC Countryfile and other farming and rural programmes have both lent their support to the initiative which will see 100 walkers take to the hills in Upper Wharfedale in North Yorkshire on 22 May 2010.

Matt Baker said “I'm really pleased to be giving the TFA my support in this initiative. Through the TV programmes which I and others have contributed to we have been able to show the beauty and majesty of our upland landscapes to a wide audience. However, these landscapes have been managed and cared for by farmers for generations. As I know growing up on a hill farm, despite their beauty, the uplands are some of the most difficult areas of our country to farm and it is essential that we maintain a solid farming community in these areas to make sure that these vital and precious landscapes are maintained for the generations to come. The TFA’s sponsored walk is a great way of raising the profile of these issues”.

Adam Henson said “Being an active tenant farmer myself and living and working amongst other farmers I know what a difficult job farming can be. Farming has many rewards but a lot of farmers also suffer from the effects of stress, remoteness and long days and when you add to this the complexity of regulations, dealing with animal diseases and low returns we need organisations like Farm Crisis Network and the TFA, of which I am a member, to get alongside those within the farming community in need of help through difficult times. I am therefore very pleased to be supporting the TFA’s sponsored walk to raise funds for this important work to continue”.

TFA National Vice Chairman Stephen Wyrill said “It is great to have Matt and Adam on board. Their endorsements will help us in the promotion of the walk and the causes we are supporting”.

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