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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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Butcher’s Lamb Classes Added to East of England Winter Stock Festival 2010-06-09

Schedules for this year’s East of England Winter Stock Festival (12th and 13th November 2010) are now available and for the first time sheep classes will be included at the event.



Due to ever increasing popularity, the event will be holding two sections of butcher’s lamb classes for both trimmed and untrimmed pairs of lambs with a total prize fund of more than £2000 up for grabs. Judging the sheep classes will be Andrew Bishop, Eldersfield, Gloucestershire. No stranger to championship success, Mr Bishop has had a phenomenal run of winter success last year at various primestock shows across the UK.

Classes for commercial beef cattle will also be on offer with sections for purebred native and Continental cattle, crossbred native and Continental cattle and baby beef calves. A total prize fund of £3600 will be on offer in the cattle sections. Taking centre stage in the ring for the cattle classes will be Elizabeth Vance of Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire. Along with her husband Alistair, Mrs Vance has had a great show career taking tickets at Smithfield and Agri Expo, so is ideally placed to judge this year’s Winter Stock Festival.

As ever the event will also host a multi breed pedigree show and sale with entries accepted from all major pedigree beef breeds. Paul Gentry of auctioneers Newark Livestock Market will again be on hand to take care of all sale proceedings after the judging.

link 2010 Children’s Countryside Day
link Northumberland Show Sheep Shearing Competition Looms
link Waiting List for Livestock as Three Counties Show Thrives

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East of England Winter Stock Festival