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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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New Modern Apprenticeship in Agriculture Now Available

After close liaison with the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), farmers, employers, colleges and training providers across Scotland, a new Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship in Agriculture is now ready for delivery.

(l-r) Willie Fergusson (National Director, Scotland), Hilary Morton (Training Manager, Oatridge College), Alex Fleming (Commerical Manager, Mains of Logue) Mr Bruce (Proprietor, A & M Bruce), Grant Pirie (Apprentice) and Alan Bowie (Vice President, National Farmers Union)

Geoff Payne

Lantra’s National Director for Scotland, Willie Fergusson said: “Research highlighted a high demand for a Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship in Agriculture, and the announcement that this qualification is now available has been widely welcomed by the agricultural industry. The introduction of this new qualification will provide more work-based learning, which will be supported by an approved college or private training provider.”

A modern apprenticeship is a package of learning and qualifications combined with practical work experience gained through employment in a chosen industry. This means that an apprentice has the opportunity to develop their skills and career in the sector whilst being paid on the job.

Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland said: “NFU Scotland has been working with Lantra, employers, farmers and colleges on the development of the new Agricultural Apprenticeship. We believe that the new apprenticeship offers a great opportunity for anyone wanting to start working in the industry; it provides the opportunity to learn and earn at the same time. This apprenticeship allows agriculture to compete with other employers in order to attract new entrants into our industry.”

Farmers, foresters and land managers were invited to attend a reception at Lantra’s stand during the Royal Highland Show where a range of employers and prospective apprentices interested in undertaking a Modern Apprenticeship in Agriculture had an opportunity to learn more about this training.

Darren Broadley, an apprentice in Mixed Farming and winner of the Lantra Land-based Learner of the Year Awards was also in attendance during this event where he shared his experience of the modern apprentice scheme, and how this has benefitted his career.

Samples of the new workbooks for apprentices were available for employers and potential apprentices to view, to allow them gain an understanding of the content of the course.

Additional information about the new Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship in Agriculture can be obtained by contacting the office on 01738 553311 or emailing

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