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Stackyard News Nov 2010

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RABDF Makes Final Call for TB Consultation Responses

The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers is urging all producers to respond to the Coalition Government’s consultation document on a badger cull before the 8 December deadline in England and 17 December to a similar document issued by the Welsh Assembly Government.



“Clearly there is considerable opposition from wildlife groups and others to any attempt to change the status quo,” says RABDF chairman, David Cotton. “Consequently, no progress will be made unless as many farmers as possible express their own thoughts to Government on this consultation.”

The Association in its own response has agreed to Government’s proposals for a package of measures to develop affordable options for a carefully-managed and science-led policy of badger control in areas with high and persistent levels of bovine TB.

“We have recommended Defra progresses at the earliest with its proposal as set out in the document to issue licenses to farmers and landowners as the most appropriate way of operating such a badger control policy, assuming Government has taken the best scientific advice and risk assessments.”

He adds: We have also commended Defra for producing such a thorough and thought-provoking consultation which gives an excellent overview of both the background to this nasty disease and a very fair assessment of the current situation and the difficulties that it is causing.”

link Cattle Plague on its Deathbed
link Industry-Wide Project to Tackle Johne’s Disease
link Dairy Cow Lameness: Vigilance and Prompt Decisive Action

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