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Holstein Young Breeders President’s Medal Success for Craig

At the British Cattle Breeders Club Conference this week, Holstein UK President presented Craig Brough from Cumbria with the annual Holstein Young Breeders President’s Medal. The award is the highest accolade for HYB members and is presented annually to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the breed, the movement and their own club.

Holstein UK President Bernard Liddle from North Yorkshire presenting Craig Brough with the President’s Medal at the British Cattle Breeders Club Conference.

Craig Brough

Craig is a member of the Border and Lakeland Club and currently works for H&H Bowe Land Agency, part of the H & H Group plc, after graduating from Harper Adams University College in 2008. Now CAAV and RICS qualified, he is currently County Chairman of Cumbria YFC. Craig has enjoyed many successes with HYB, including the award of the Littlestar Award in 2001 for an outstanding contribution for an HYB member under the age of 18.

The two other finalists for the President’s Medal were Neil Roberts of the Townhouse Holstein herd in Cheshire and Neil Eastham from Lancashire, who is a vet currently working in North Yorkshire.

Commenting on the three finalists, Bernard Liddle said, “It was no easy task to separate these three outstanding Holstein Young Breeders and they are a credit to themselves, their families and their clubs.”

“They were selected on the basis of an essay and an interview and all three demonstrated that they are committed to the idea of a very positive future for British dairy farming in general and the Holstein breed in particular”, concluded Mr. Liddle.

The two other judges of the competition were Holstein UK board member John Torrance from Essex and David Dunlop of HYB main sponsor Genus ABS.

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Holstein UK