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Stackyard News Aug 2011

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Stackyard News Confirmed as Leading Supplier of Profit-Driving Genetics 2011-08-10

With three of the top five UK proven Holstein bulls in Leif (£187 PLI), Jardin (£178 PLI) and Mascol (£175) and retention of the number one overall position with Lynbrook Jancen (£251 PLI), has reinforced its position as the leading supplier of high PLI genetics following the August 2011 proof run.

Given his £251 PLI, daughters of number one ranked Holstein Lynbrook Jancen will contribute an additional £500 in profit over their lifetime in a UK dairy herd, according to the latest Promar study.

Lynbrook Jancen daughter

The company also retains the highest £PLI Holstein available as sexed semen with Logan (£236), has one of the highest risers in Coldsprings Garner - up 20 PLI points to £221 PLI – and has more bulls in the top 100 than any other semen supplier (28).

So strong a showing is no accident, stemming from the clear conviction by that dairy farmers’ bull selection should be driven first and foremost by profit.

“There is no clearer indicator for dairy farmers than the Profitable Lifetime Index when it comes to bull selection, with the latest research by Promar valuing each PLI point at £4.21,” says Nick Kirby of

“If we halve this figure to allow for the dam’s influence, we can apply a simple ‘rule of thumb’ that the added profit contribution of a heifer coming into the herd is two times her sire’s PLI. So for a herd with ten milking daughters by Jancen, for example, the additional profitability can be calculated to equate to over £5,000 over their lifetime.

“I urge dairy farmers to apply this simple mathematics across their herd when they make their bull selections to see the potential impact of selecting high PLI sires.”

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link Calf Feeding Trial Highlights Benefits of Once-a-Day Milk

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