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Stackyard News Aug 2011

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Lleyn Sales Set Off On A High

The 2011 Autumn Lleyn Sale season has set off to a good start with shearling ewes and ewe lambs both well ahead of last year’s averages. A 95% clearance rate of females and a 90% clearance rate of rams was seen.

Alun Bennet with the champion females

Alun Bennet with the champion females

For the third year running DN Bennett & Sons, Powys won the shearling ewe class and went on to sell them for £200 a head to Collacombe Farms Ltd, Tavistock. The top price went to Hefin Llwyd, Okehampton with his second prize pen which sold for £210 to Cator Blackaton Farming, Newton Abbot. AW Davies, Pwllheli & Chilbolton Farms, Hmapshire had £200 selling to Perkins & Partners, Lifton and M Childs, Tiverton respectfully. The overall average in this section was £160.36, an increase of £24.94 on the year.

The ewe lamb section was won by Dai & Cynthia Morris, Carmarthen with lambs bred from the 2011 Royal Welsh Show Champion, Penywern Maldwyn. They sold for £128 to SP Gubbins, & Son, Launceston. The second prize ewe lambs came from DN Bennett & Sons and sold for £170 to Collacombe Farms Ltd.

In the ram section the top price went to Emrys & Dylan Jones, Machynlleth with their shearling ram selling for 1950gns to G Martyn & Son, Launceston. Next to top was the Champion from AW Davies which realised 1300gns to MH Miller, Dorset. Seven rams in total realised 1000gns and over.

Wynne Davies with the champion ram Dai Morris with 1st ewe lambs
Wynne Davies with the champion ram Dai Morris with 1st ewe lambs

Show Results

Forward 858 Females & 78 Rams
Ewes to £130 average £112.32
Shlg ewes to £210 average £160.36
Ewe lambs to £170 average £103.24
Rams 1950gns average £569.93

Top Prices:

DC & CM Evans £130
Mrs GC Adams £125
Mr MH Miller £125
Mrs GC Adams £120 x 2
Messrs DC & CM Evans £120

Shearling Ewes
H Llwyd £210
DN Bennett & Sons £200
AW Davies £200
Chilbolton Down Farms £200
Chilbolton Down Farms £190

Ewe Lambs
DN Bennett & Sons £170
WJ Williams £132
Mrs C Lewis £130
TRB Turner £130
DW & CF Morris £128

Shearling Rams
E & D Jones 1950gns
AW Davies 1300gn
DN Bennett & Son 1220gns
DW & CF Morris 1120gns
Mrs GC Adams 1000gns
DN Bennett & Sons 1000gns
SP Sayers 1000gns

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