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Stackyard News Sep 2011

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Strong Demand for Lleyns at Carmarthen

With the sun shining there was a positive atmosphere around the pens at Carmarthen for the Lleyn Sheep Society sale on Thursday 15th September 2011.

Richard Twose with the champion ram
Lleyn champion ram

Wynne Davies judged the show, putting Lionel Organ, Llangeler first with the shearling ewes which went on to realise the female top price of £260 to T Healy, Cardigan.

WJ & BM Lewis, Pennant won the ewe lambs selling for £124 to KA & EA James-Evans, Lampeter.

It was a pen from Dylan Jones which topped the prices at £150 to J & R Twose & Sons, Whitland.

Emrys & Dylan Jones also topped the ram section selling a shearling ram sired by a DJ Steen sire for 1000gns to Mr Williams.

It was Richard & Jennifer Twose who won the ram section with a shearling ram, by a Christine Lewis sire, he sold for 460gns.

Show results
Judge: Wynne Davies

Shearling Ewes
1st L Organ
2nd R Marshall
3rd K & M Evans

Ewe Lambs
1st W Lewis
2nd J George
3rd WJ & D Williams

Shearling Rams
1st R & J Twose & Sons
2nd DW & CF Morris
3rd WJ & D Williams

Ewes to £168.00 average £124.48
Shearlings to £260.00 average £156.91
Ewe Lambs to £150.00 average £97.45
Rams to 1000gns average £393.75

Top prices

KA & EA James-Evans £168
WJ & DJ Williams £136
L Organ £260
D & B Vaughan £210
HM Wells £205
Ken Evans £200
AW Davies £200
Ewe Lambs
E & D Jones £150
John E George £130
Christine Lewis £128
John E Georg £126
E & D Jones £125
WJ & BM Lewis £124
WJ & DJ Williams £120
E & D Jones 1000gns
E & D Jones 800gns
Lionel Organ 700gns
DW & CF Morris 660gns

link Easycare Sheep Society Gears up for Sales Season
link Demand High for Performance Kelso Ram Sales
link Demand Soars for Lleyn Sheep at Stirling

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Lleyn Sheep Society