

Agri Marketing Specialist Appointed to Lantra Board

The Managing Director of a PR, marketing and communications agency specialising in agriculture and the rural economy has been appointed a trustee of Lantra.

Jane Craigie, Managing Director of her own agency, Jane Craigie Marketing, has joined the board of the UK-wide charity which provides skills development and training for young people in land-based and environmental sector. Seeking a social media and communications specialist to join the board, to support the ongoing work with industry bodies and government as well as the popular annual awards, Lantra selected Ms Craigie for her extensive experience in the sector, communications and digital PR experience, and work with rural youth.

Jane Craigie

Jane Craigie

Chairman of Lantra’s Board of Trustees, Heather Peck, said;
“At LANTRA we are very proud of the skills and training we offer, from short to full-time courses, from forestry to floristry, road infrastructure and conservation, and our aim is to be the preferred partner for land-based industry. Jane’s knowledge and understanding of the land-based and environmental sectors combined with her expertise in communications, PR and digital marketing is the perfect fit. She has an extensive network of trusted and respected contacts, and her experience and enthusiasm will bring great energy to our comms activity. We are delighted to welcome her to the board and we look forward to working with her to build the Lantra story.”

Ms Craigie, who has over 25 years’ experience in communications in agricultural, food and land-based businesses, is also on the steering committee for LEAF and FACE, and has recently been a guest speaker at both the NFU Scotland conference and the Scottish Natural Heritage conference. She also works with rural businesses through her international leadership work. On appointment to the Lantra board, she said;
“The rural sector and giving youth opportunities in this sector are areas I feel strongly and passionately about, and I am delighted to have been selected as a trustee. It ties in well with so much of what we are doing both with the business and personally, and I look forward to engaging with the next generation of the rural workforce.”

Lantra is an independent charity which works with businesses, trade bodies and the government to address skills and productivity needs. The majority of trustees, who serve an initial three-year term, are employers within the land-based sector, so they understand the industries’ needs, and can offer strategic leadership.

Jane Craigie Marketing has also initiated The Rural Youth Project, with the support of Lantra and other partners including the Scottish Association of Young Farmers (SAYFC), Scottish Enterprise and The Scottish Rural Network. The project is researching young people working and living in rural communities, with a view to informing policy makers and society so that feasible strategies can be implemented to support young people working and living in rural areas.

“Rural young people are fundamental to the vibrancy, energy and economic outlook of rural places,” explains Ms Craigie. “We wanted to better understand what young people perceive their challenges and opportunities to be, as well as gaining a better understanding of their degree of optimism for the future. Working with Lantra complements all this so well, and I can’t wait to get involved with Lantra and all the fantastic work it does.”


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