

NFUS and MSP Discuss Solution to Adverse Weather Troubles

NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick met with Emma Harper MSP on Tuesday 10 April, to discuss the serious problems Scotland’s farmers are facing after months of bad weather.

The desperate lack of fodder and straw, and the serious increase in fallen stock due to the spates of extreme cold weather in late winter and early spring, were both high on the agenda at the meeting at Pularyan farm, Stranraer.

Simon Redman of Creeside farm, Andrew McCornick, Emma Harper MSP, Ian McKnight of Pularyan farm (host)

Simon Redman of Creeside farm, Andrew McCornick, Emma Harper MSP, Ian McKnight of Pularyan farm (host)

At the meeting it was made clear that NFU Scotland would like to see farmers be helped by the Government during this difficult time for its members, with Andrew McCornick stating the urgent need for regular payments to be brought forward to help with the added costs of the long winter, financial assistance with fallen stock costs and an assistance package to be announced and made available as soon as possible.

Many livestock and dairy farmers have been seriously hit by the high fodder costs which were caused by the poor weather last Autumn and only exacerbated by the long hard winter which continued right to the end of March and is still affecting farmers who are now deep into lambing and calving, having gone in on the back foot.

Many members are seeing ongoing increases in the number of fallen stock as they continue with lambing and calving.

NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick said:
“This has been an extremely tough winter for many, starting off on the wrong foot with the poor harvest and continuing on with some of the worst snow spells we have seen in quite a few years.

“We have heard from our members that many are seeing a steep increase in the amount of fallen stock they are having to pay to be collected. This added expense, on top off the loss of income that comes with losing livestock, can be a serious burden financially as well as mentally.

“All of this is increasing the hardship element and concerns, not just financial burdens but also in relation to farmers health and mental wellbeing.

“This meeting with Emma Harper was a welcome example of the open dialogue we hope to continue with the Scottish Government and we are grateful that she was able to take time out of her schedule to speak to us about the issues.”


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