

New Guide to Encourage More Young People to Show Livestock

In a joint-bid to help promote native breeds and brand Britain, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) have collaborated to produce a new guide to help youngsters get a taste for showing livestock.

‘A Guide to Showing’ will be launched with Adam Henson at the RBST stand within the Ask the Farmer marquee of the Three Counties Show on Saturday, 16 June, to demonstrate a new resource for all would-be livestock showmen and women of the future. The Defra-funded project aims to help encourage more young people to take an interest in showing native breeds and the part they can play in sustaining rare and endangered breeds.

A Guide to Showing

The Royal Three Counties Show champions both the NFYFC and the RBST with special features held at the show including Ask the Farmer supported by the RBST and the Young Farmers’ Village. It supports youngsters in their first steps of showing through the Young Handler classes held each day of the show.

RBST’s President Jimmy Doherty has stated in the guide’s foreword that he is pleased to see the two organisations teaming up on a project encouraging more young people to show livestock.

Both organisations and their respective members are keen to encourage the younger generation to get involved with keeping and showing livestock and help promote the future of British agriculture.

RBST Chairman Gail Sprake, NFYFC AGRI Chair James Hutchinson, NFYFC’s Vice Chair of Council Katie Hall and YFC members will be available for a photo opportunity, and to highlight the importance of our native breeds and opportunities for young people in agriculture.

RBST Chairman, Gail Sprake said:
“We are thrilled to be working with NFYFC, and by producing this booklet together, we hope to increase the numbers of young people showing animals across the UK. Showing is a fantastic first step in a young person’s journey to becoming a full-time farmer and we are confident that this booklet will encourage more youngsters to compete in the show ring.

NFYFC AGRI Chairman James Hutchinson said:
“We are delighted to continue collaborating with industry partners and Defra to help promote ‘brand British’. Our farming industry has a lot to be proud about and we want to share future opportunities, not only with our younger members, but with all young people who are passionate about food, farming and the countryside.”


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