

UK Pesticide Guide 2016 – Highlights New Products

The UK Pesticide Guide 2016, jointly published by BCPC and CAB International, contains 23 new active ingredient profiles plus hundreds of new Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMUs) – vital for the production of less mainstream crops.

The latest data is available as a printed book and as a convenient online resource, which can be accessed on smart phones and tablets. BASIS members will also benefit by earning 2 CPD points when purchasing the book and 3 CPD points when subscribing to the online resource.

Pesticide guide

“2015 has been a good year with more gains in active ingredient profiles than losses,” comments Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide.

“The biggest change this year is that all products are going through a renewal process as the Hazard Classifications and Safety Phrases are standardized with the rest of the world under the CPL Regulations. Not all products have undergone this update process yet but they need to be updated by June 2017.”

“For 2016 the book includes: two new herbicides – for use in winter cereals and potatoes, two new fungicides, spearmint oil as a sprout suppressant in potatoes and garlic extract for nematode control. We have however lost oxadiazon and 11 profiles have been demoted to the Products Also Registered (PAR) section,” says Martin.

“I would strongly recommend users of The UK Pesticide Guide take advantage of the package of both the hard copy and the online version – ukpesticideguide.co.uk. This online resource enables us to run frequent updates, add appropriate EAMUs and include new approvals as they come on stream.”


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