2016-02-12   facebooktwitterrss

High Demand for British Friesian Sexed Semen

With sexed semen demand for the commercial dairy herd at an all time high, Cogent Breeding has once again ensured the availability of ‘premier’ genetics by adding elite British Friesian sire, Kirkby Premier to their sexed semen portfolio.

Hailing from one of the best UK Friesian families, Kirkby Premier’s pedigree is full of consistency. Although early into his career, Premier already finds himself with a reputation as one of the most complete British Friesian sires on the market today.

Netherholme Premier Kirsty GP82

Dtr: Netherholme Premier Kirsty GP82 (4)

His figures speak for themselves with Premier coming in at number three for Friesian type at+1.89 with a PLI of £226 and fantastic fertility at +2.0. Add to this his exceptional components, (120kgs of milk, 0.14% fat, 0.02% protein) and it is little surprise that Premier is becoming a popular choice with UK farmers looking to use the most up-to-date, sought after Friesian genetics to add strength and resilience to their herd.

Richard Bostock, Cogent’s Progeny Evaluator, has seen more than 40 Premier daughters to date, he says:
“All savvy dairy farmers know the proof is in the progeny and Premier’s first daughters have reiterated that. They are ultra consistent and typically black bodied animals with fantastic depth and width to their frame. Their mammary systems are also well attached and exhibit superior quality.”

“Premier stands to prove that index, type, production and fertility can work in unison. One thing that is clearly evident is how much of a farmer satisfaction bull he is, with the majority of farmers who are already milking their first daughters coming back to use him again in their breeding programmes this year."


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