2016-08-15   facebooktwitterrss

Successful Launch of Flock Health Club Model

More than 125 veterinary practitioners have attended events across the country over the summer to discuss how to launch Flock Health Clubs for their sheep farmer clients.

An overwhelming level of interest has resulted in further training being provided over the coming weeks to widen the tools available to sheep-interested vets.


A Flock Health Club is a vet-facilitated sheep farmer business discussion group that allows farmers with smaller numbers of sheep to share the cost of veterinary advice while maintaining regular, good quality contact with sheep-interested vets within a practice.

Fiona Lovatt, Flock Health Ltd Director, established the concept and delivered the training events, in collaboration with Sheep Veterinary Society and National Sheep Association. She says:
“I have been so encouraged to see the enthusiasm of so many keen sheep vets at these events. Feedback has been really positive with delegates most enjoying brainstorming sessions to share ideas. There are plenty of sheep farmers who would love to have a close relationship with their vet – they just need to know that their vet is interested in their sheep and prepared to provide robust, cost effective and independent advice.”

Vets were encouraged to go back to the practice, gather together a team of similarly enthusiastic personnel, to include both veterinary and support staff, and invite farmers to an introductory meeting to launch the concept of a Flock Health Club. Appropriate resources for this introductory meeting have been made available – and a further round of meetings is planned to help vets utilise benchmarking tools within their clubs.

Dr Lovatt explains:
“Benchmarking flock performance between farms within the group is a key aspect of Flock Health Clubs and one of the tools available to veterinary practitioners is AHDB’s Stocktake Lite, an online beef and lamb costings and physical performance comparison tool. Further in-depth training sessions in the use of Stocktake Lite within a Flock Health Club are now available.”


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