2016-08-26   facebooktwitterrss

Kelso Rams at the Ready

As autumn approaches, Harrison & Hetherington turn their focus to the Closamectin® Kelso Ram Sales which takes place on Friday 9th September 2017.

The famous annual Kelso Ram Sale, hosted by the Border Union Agricultural Society (BUAS) and held at Springwood Park, Kelso, is the largest single day Ram sale in the world. This year will see a total of 5,145 rams, of 17 different breeds, go under the hammer across 16 sale rings, by 7 different auction companies.

Kelso Ram Sale

Following their amalgamation with John Swan Ltd., Harrison & Hetherington have seen an increase in entries this year with 1,888 rams, of 15 breeds, being offered for sale throughout 9 sale rings.

Commenting on this year’s ram sale, David Pritchard, Operations Director at Harrison & Hetherington said:
“Harrison & Hetherington are honoured to be able to offer services to flock-masters, both sellers and buyers from all over the country. The Closamectin® Kelso Ram Sale really is a key feature in any sheep producer’s diary and we can be certain there will be a tremendous offering of top quality rams from all breeds represented.”

The first ram sale was held in 1836 when 120 rams were offered at prices ranging from three to four pounds per head. A pinnacle event in the sheep industry calendar, nowadays, the Closamectin® Kelso Ram Sales see in excess of 5,000 entries, with buyers travelling from overseas to purchase rams. The 2015 sale saw shearling rams selling to a top price of £14,000 for a registered Texel, with lamb prices reaching £7,500 for a registered Suffolk.

Selling in all rings commences at 10:00 am, and is signified by the ringing of the bell by BUAS Secretary, Ronald Wilson. Commenting on this year’s sale, Ronald said:
“This is the 179th Kelso Ram Sale and is once again set to be an extremely busy day for the auctioneers. We are delighted with the entry of rams this year and will be welcoming consignors spanning the length and breadth of the UK, from Devon to Orkney, Pembroke to Lincoln. We also have consignors travelling from Ireland to sell rams. As always, we are absolutely thrilled with the continued enthusiasm surrounding the sale.”

Harrison & Hetherington are the UK’s largest livestock auctioneers operating nine auction marts across Northern England and the Scottish Borders. Appointed auctioneers for all major beef, dairy and sheep breed societies throughout the UK, their farmstock business is well known and respected by pedigree/commercial farmers nationwide and in specialist fields worldwide.


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