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Stackyard News Jan 06

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Export Advice For Cattle Breeders

photo courtesy of
suckler cattle

EXPERT help and advice on how to get back into an export market which has been closed to British cattle breeders for 17 years will be on hand at a conference later this month.

The English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) and the British Livestock Genetics Consortium (BLG) have got together to run a seminar for breeders who want to get back into export markets in Europe where live British cattle have been banned since 1989 because of BSE.

The seminar will be held at the British Cattle Breeders Club annual conference at Shrewsbury on Monday January 23 starting at 3pm.

The seminar will include news of a major initiative during 2006 to re-establish trade in breeding cattle between Britain and the rest of Europe which will include a presence at a number of major shows across the Continent.

Henry Lewis, BLG chairman, said: “We will have news of what will be happening later this year and on topics such as the conditions which will apply to animals for export.

“We want to help rebuild business in Europe. We know there is a strong demand for our cattle.”

For further information call EBLEX Export Manager Jean-Pierre Garnier on 01908 844248.

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