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Stackyard News Jan 06

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Premium Meat Market Grows Fast

THE premium end of the fresh meat market is driving the overall growth according to research commissioned by the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC).


There are more than 100 fresh meat brands, which generate sales of about £2.5 billion per year.

The premium end of the market, dominated by Sainsbury's Taste the Difference and Tesco Finest, rose by more than 50 per cent over the last year, although it was starting from a comparatively low base.

The value sector also rose, by 26 per cent with Tesco Value and Asda Smart Price driving growth in this sector.

These key point are to be found in a special article in the latest issue of Meat Demand Trends, published by MLC Economics.

The publication also looks at the halal meat market. There are about 1.9 million Muslims in the UK, accounting for some three per cent of the population, who consume more than 20 per cent of sheep meat produced in the UK, mostly in the form of mutton.

Together sheep meat and poultry meat account for 82 per cent of meat consumption in the Muslim community in the UK.

The article explores the demographic profile of halal meat consumers, as well as their eating and purchasing habits. Halal abattoirs, processors and retailers in the UK are listed.

Individual copies of Meat Demand Trends are available from Jill Morgan on 01908 844396, price £45.

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Meat and Livestock Commission