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Steaking it on a Perfect Pie

THE hunt is on the for best steak pie in the land - and to boost sales of

EBLEX National Steak Pie Champion 2005, Amanda Hodge from The Mill Inn, Penrith, Cumbria with her winning hand-made 'Blencathra Pie' (named after the Cumbrian Fell which towers above the pub) which uses well-matured quality Cumbrian Galloway beef, sourced from a farm nearby.

Amanda Hodge

Pubs, hotels and restaurants across England are being challenged by the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) to show just how well they can put together the ingredients for one of the nation's favourite meals.

The winning chef - who has to have made the pie from scratch using fresh ingredients - will win the title "National Steak Pie Champion 2006" and a prize worth £10,000.

Among the qualities judges will be concentrating on will be the succulence of the filling, the quality and provenance of the meat and the texture and flavour of the pastry.

They will also be looking for innovative ingredients to boost the flavour of the national favourite.

If you have someone you would you think should enter, they can get an entry form from Chantel or Caroline on 020 8974 2404 or at

link Good News For Beef On The Bone
link EBLEX Hails British Beef Exports Move
link Export Opportunities Open up for UK Aberdeen-Angus Cattle

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